April 2016....
This was our 5 year anniversary trip. The ship was small, It started out beautiful!
Wel left California a rainy dreary cloudy day but we make the best of it!!
A Sea Day, pool time, getting to meet our bartendars... Meeting new friends, which everyone says I do everywhere I go.
Day 2 Cabo San lucas - We skipped an excursion hopped a water taxi and off we went to the Office. We had an amazing Lunch! The drinks were flowing we went next door rented some day beds, we drank all day and it cost us about $40!!
We renewed our vows on the back of the ship! We threw our old rings off the back and we got shinny new ones!

We went to Mazatlan with out new friends to a Beach club for the day!
our new friends Matt and Jenn came with us on that excursion. we booked through the ship $35 it was 2016 no lunch included but Rum punch and beer was! Our Lunch was pictured below and cost $10 Chips guacamole and Ceviche...
The Last Port was Puerto Vallarta We went out on our own again, took a cab down to a resort for the day, we rented a cabana by the pool,. Had some amazing drinks and some sushi! We walked alittle down the beach and cabbed it back..
This is where it starts to Turn...... The last 3 days on the ship were miserable.. The waves were so high... the boat was rocking it was not ideal.. I was a sickness mess. I barely ate after that, Did not use the drink package except to get Gingerale, Bitters and Lime.. Trust me it helps!!!!
BIG TIP!!! Gingerale Bitters and Lime - HELPS MOTION SICKNESS! who knew.. my bartender did!
I now dont go on a cruise ith out NOMO Nausea they are amazing! and they stop hangovrs!